A famous badass and enduring detective, Harry Bosch, who is a loveable character created by the American novelist Michael Connelly, believes that 'Everybody Counts, Or Nobody Counts'. And the American multinational technology company Apple Inc, the genius cradle of iPhone, iPad, and Mac, have proven to believe too that it's either everybody counts or absolutely no one counts.Coding is considered rarefied and for geniuses, needing a skill that most don't have the chops for. But Apple Inc believes everyone should hop onto their world of tech and ride along as experts in coding, a reason the company has worked smart and unceasingly to develop amazing technology. To give a for-instance, they developed Swift Playgrounds, a game that is interesting and useable by both kids and adults. Things get spiced up and interesting when you realize that there's a hidden card behind the development of the game. It's not just a game, it's also a tutorial because users end up learning about coding while enjoying the game! Smart how Apple Inc thinks!!
However, despite achieving a lot including a voice-over feature that explains what happens on the screen of a user's gadget, the company still felt something was amiss. Someone wasn't counting yet, and that wasn't cool. Kids who are virtually impaired weren't counting! All features developed so far to make the learning of coding possible had placed blind kids below the salt in this coding party.
But Apple Inc has now announced that even the blind will learn to code, after they rolled out resources in collaboration with Royal National Institute of Blind People, resources that ensure the visually impaired aren't left out when it comes to coding. “Every child, including children with visual impairment, should have the opportunity to learn the programming and computer coding skills that are part of the national school curriculum. This is especially important for future participation in the growing digital economy. However, many of the tools and methods used by schools to introduce children to coding are not accessible to all," said David Clarke, director of services at RNIB.